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Veterinaria Kubani Scientific and Practical Journal
The journal "Veterinary of Kuban" publishes scientific reviews, original articles of a problematic and scientific-applied nature, reflecting the achievements in modern veterinary medicine in productive and unproductive animal species, as well as in the field of biology and zootechnics, new research methods, reviews and discussions, as well as brief reports, cases from practice and chronicles, history of veterinary medicine, journalistic essays about interesting facts from the life of veterinarians. The journal's topics cover the entire spectrum of such a vast area of human knowledge and activity as veterinary medicine. Here you can find out up-to-date information about exotic animal diseases, share with colleagues the experience of treating surgical pathologies, get an answer to pressing diagnostic questions, learn about conferences, the development of modern equipment, honoring honored people who have devoted their lives to a difficult but so necessary profession for society - veterinarian.